Hello Fancy Feathered Friends!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 8, 2014
I just got my first 3 chickens last Wednesday! Unfortunately my city has an ordinance that only allows 3 chickens within the city limits... Anyway, I have wanted backyard chickens for about 2 years, but I have been pregnant pretty much the majority of the last three years, so I felt it might be best to wait on 3 more babies until I had finished incubating my human babies.

So, here are my loves the day the came home, all cozy in their brooder.

There's Monster Truck, Mrs. Higgins and Henrietta. You can tell which one the 5 year old boy named... ;)

Anyway, my question is...I was told that I had 2 EE (Mrs. Higgins and Henrietta) and one RIR (Monster Truck) pullets. I totally see that my EE are what they are, but I haven't seen a RIR that has chipmunk markings. Does anyone know if she is a RIR or not? I don't mind either way, I just like to know. :p

Also, my two Eggers are already getting wing feathers, and Monster Truck seems to be behind in the ballgame. I hope I don't have a Rooster. Not that I wouldn't want one, but I can't end up with tons of fertilized eggs... LOL.

I'm happy to be part of the community, as I've already been obsessed with chickens for a few years...I just had to wait on the right time to get them!

Welcome to BYC!

The chick you are holding doesn't look like an RIR. Looks like another EE. Speckled Sussex's can look like chipmunks too. Very cute babies!!! As for slow growth, all chicks grow at different rates. Potential cockerels can be slower to get their feathers in, but at this age, some chicks can be just slow to start. Give them a few more weeks before any guessing.

If you need any tips and hints on raising your new babies, stop by our learning center here on BYC for lots of great reads on all the aspects of keeping poultry....


Enjoy your new babies and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on your new chicks, very cute! X2, Monster Truck (love the name) doesn't look like a RIR, might be another EE, but there are a lot of breeds that look like chipmunks as chicks, so you might just have to be patient. You might try getting some good shots of him, from the side, head shots etc and posting on the What Breed Or Gender Is This forum for help with figuring MT out www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Fertilized eggs are not any different to eat than unfertilized, unless they are incubated. All my eggs are fertilized (or at least I hope so with 5 roosters!)

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