Hello fellow chicken enthusiast


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2017
Hello All,

My name is Brutis and we are brand new to the urban farmer community. We live near Austin Texas and have gotten interested in setting up a coop for family. We've had dogs and the kids tend to get attached to them ( we have 3 kids, one just left for college but the other two are still really young ) and we thought instead of doing dogs we should build our own backyard flock. So any advice, tips and tricks are much appreciated : ).

Well here is the suggested questions

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

This will be our first time owning chickens, we have alot of research and we are leaning towards
creating a flock of silkies. Probably looking at 3 all together.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

None, we are building our current flock.

(3) What breeds do you have?

None yet, we are looking at Silkies ( way cute )

(4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com?


(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

None really, we work alot.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

We had dogs but currently have no pets. We work a lot, website design and marketing plus the kids leaves little room for actual fun. Chickens seem to be very easy to maintain ( however a lot of setup ) and the kids enjoyed them at the farmers markets we go to. It seems like a great alternative to traditional pets and they give us food so that is a def. plus.

Overall we are just wanting to give our little ones some responsibility without the amount of care needed for an indoor pet.
Hi!:wee:woot:welcome We have had chickens for 7 years we used to free range but dew to neighbors and the wild life around our property we ahd to stop.

before you look at coops you need to first diside on a breed so the coop will fit the breed without a problam (like you don't wan't to have full sized chickens in a bantam coop. (a coop can always be bigger but should not be smaller.

if you are looking for eggs then
  • NH red's
  • Barred (or plymouth) rocks
  • Australorps
  • ancona
  • leghorn
  • buff orpington
  • golden commet
  • marrans
  • EE
  • americana
are all good breed if you don't care then it's fun to choose breed's just make shure to do research before you buy!!! we ended up with 2 chickens we did not wan't on accident by not researching. Also inform your whole family before buying (this also ended up getting us 3 roosters and a Jersey Giant) so thats most of all I have to say

Silkies are rather frail as compared to other chicken breeds. Their crests and beards tend to obscure their vision, and their unique feathering doesn't allow for good flying.This makes them great predator bait.

As Sourland brought out they aren't the greatest layers and generally after they lay a few eggs they go broody and want to hatch them - fertile or not. They tend to be kid favorites if that is good enough for you.

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