Hello! Finally Joined After Creeping the Threads


Apr 8, 2024
Hi everyone! My name is Emily & I’m 35 and three quarters y/o. Excited to finally join, but also nervous as it was out of necessity (noticed my hens ear lobe is swollen sac). I’ve had my current flock for about 3 years now. Some longer than others, and four new pullets just hatched nearly a week ago now. I had one hen and one rooster 10yrs ago- but I’m still learning as I go. I love my hens as if they were family ❤️ and I’m excited to be a part of this online family, too.
Hello Emily and welcome to BYC! :frow

So glad you decided to join us. Sorry your birds ear lobe is swollen, could be a pecking injury? You might start a thread in our Emergency forum with photos... https://www.backyardchickens.com/forums/emergencies-diseases-injuries-and-cures.10/

Welcome to our community!
Hello, TwoCrows! Thank you for the welcome and especially for the tip about where to post re: my hens ear lobe. I’ve been pretty stressed since I noticed & figured now was the time to join- so I could post and ask questions.

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