Hi there My name is Sarah and i'm from Northern California! I've been lurking around this site for ages (years!) Always such wonderful information on just about any topic! I could have sworn I had signed up ages ago (and maybe even posted once or twice), but after trying about a hundred possible names I could have signed up with I finally decided that even if I had signed up "once upon a time" it was apparent I needed to do so again LOL
I've had poultry my entire life (some of my first childhood memories are with chickens) - In my 20's I managed a Poultry Farm here in Northern California. I loved my job, but honestly, I ultimately ended up burnt out after 9 years and decided to try working at a veterinary clinic again for a while. Its been a little over 2 years since i've had poultry of any sort, and I miss everything about them! Getting back into it again slowly, this time with my 10 year old daughter who has made no secret of her interest and wants to learn all the different aspects of raising poultry. Soooo.. here I am! I'm sure things have changed a bit in the poultry industry since I was involved before, and I will no doubt end up with all sorts of questions
Looking forward to getting to know everyone here!
I've had poultry my entire life (some of my first childhood memories are with chickens) - In my 20's I managed a Poultry Farm here in Northern California. I loved my job, but honestly, I ultimately ended up burnt out after 9 years and decided to try working at a veterinary clinic again for a while. Its been a little over 2 years since i've had poultry of any sort, and I miss everything about them! Getting back into it again slowly, this time with my 10 year old daughter who has made no secret of her interest and wants to learn all the different aspects of raising poultry. Soooo.. here I am! I'm sure things have changed a bit in the poultry industry since I was involved before, and I will no doubt end up with all sorts of questions
Looking forward to getting to know everyone here!