Hello from a new member

Hiya, and welcome to BYC!! :frow

May I have the honor of being the first to teach you something on BYC?

chicken math.gif
Hello and Welcome to BYC. Glad to have you with us in this Poultry Loving Community. Make sure you get a coop 3-4 times larger that what TSC recommends. Chickens need elbow room especially when the weather does not permit them to be out in a run or free ranging. Predator proof the coop and the run.
I agree, Tractor Supply's coops are WAY too small to even house 2 chickens in. A lot of people think you should just cram them into a tiny space. I recommend building a chicken tractor that you can move around the yard with ease so that once grass in that area is eaten up, you can move the chicken tractor somewhere else and let the grass grow back in that spot.

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