Hello from Arizona

Good Witch

8 Years
Feb 1, 2011
Hi everyone! I found this site last spring, but just now getting around to registering. I was diagnosed with a chronic health condition last March and have been unable to work since January 2010. In May, I woke up feeling good and I got this crazy idea to buy chicks! So I did, and kept them in a large container in the spare bedroom until they started hopping out. Then I put them in a large dog kennel until hubby built my chicken coop. I started with 4 babies, then got 4 more in my insanity. (My husband was ready to have me committed!) But as they grew, I realized that 8 were too many for me to take care of. I have a friend with a farm who took 4 of them off my hands. So I now have 2 Black Orps and 2 Easter Eggers. The easter eggers were sold as Americauna's, but I've since learned that they are most likely Easter Eggers. Doesn't matter to me. Their eggs are a pretty pastel green and they are nice girls so it doesn't really matter to me if they have a pedigree.

We live in a residential area with large back yards and high fences. Last fall, we began letting the out of the coop for a few hours at a time. (Wings are clipped.) But the poo! Oh, my! I never knew how much I would be scraping off the patio! So I'm now limiting their time out of the coop so I can supervise them - AND spare my flower beds. Hubby bought the girls a "sand box" of their own so hopefully they will learn to use it for their dust baths instead of my flower beds.

Anyway...probably too long of an introduction! But I'm happy to be here and looking forward to learning from you all!

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