Hello from Arkansas


6 Years
Aug 24, 2013
Bauxite AR
We have tree Blacktailed Japanese Banty, hens one rooster, white Silkie, and one blue Cochin.
How is the silkie doing- they usually get picked on a lot because they don't look like a real chicken. With their crest and beards obscuring their vision they may not seem as active as other breeds. If you don't intend to show - you could trim some of the crest and beard back so she won't be the last one to notice predators.
She is good we've only had her for a couple weeks and last night was the first time we didn't have to pick her up to put her in the house. No plans to show her, my 9 year old Lulu just realy wanted a "Poofy headed chicken" as she called it. She hangs out with our Cochin a lot. We got them the same day. The rest we raised from chicks.

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