Hello from Bisbee, Arizona!

Chirping.....:clap:thumbsup:woot wow great you have silkies....!! fantastic...!!! I JUST FOUND YOUR POST I KNOW ITS A BIT LATE but my pc has een on the blink for a wile , but any way welcome soooo glad you joined this great group BYC..! i live in Bisbee AZ at a mile hi , im a jewerly maker my friends own a shop in tombstone and sell my jewerly at times , good to know more chicken people are near by , i love those cute silkies, i have an egg farm so i have all the best laying breeds here free rainging & happy , but still i love those silkies , if you ever have hens or female chicks for sale i could be intrested , so let me know , but for now take care good luck & have a good one , Dianna :frow:)
I just saw your post. I am considering purchasing land in bisbee and have been concerned with the soil and water. Since you are free ranging I was wondering what did you do for your soil quality?
Hello Dianna! Im considering a move to bisbee as soon as my house in tucson sells. But ill only consider a place that will allow my chickens as giving them up is not an option! I have 12 chickens in all including a silkie rooster. 2 serama hens, a frizzle hen, 3 small silkie cross hens, 5 silkie hens and a silkie rooster. Will they let me have them in town or do i need to find property on the outskirts?

Maria ❤🐣🐓
I lived in Bisbee and now I am on acreage just west of Bisbee. Moved to the farm full time. I have a small scale hatchery out here working with rare or unusual breeds.

AS far as legality of chickens in the city, there is no issue. though if you have a neighbor who complains about roosters, they call more about the noise ordinance than livestock. they are still working under the 1912 laws for livestock. I used to hatch at the house in Bisbee, so it was not uncommon for me to have several hundred chicks up to 6 weeks at the house, I had an acre in Warren, before moving them to the farm.

I had zero issues, except for when I sold the house and moved everything to the house from the rented farm, 4 weeks before moving to the new farm. Even then when a noise complain came in, the officer who stopped by was friendly and asked what was up and when I told him why there were so many adult birds and roo's at the house he was fine with it because it was temporary. All my direct neighbors were more than fine with it and told me no problem. the Complaint came from a person who had just moved to a rental a couple of streets away.
You just answered my question about Bisbee! Im considering a move there soon! Waiting for my home in tucson to sell. Wanted to know if chickens (including one silkie roo) wpuld be allowed in town or if id need to buy on the outskirts. Thank you sooo much for posting!!!

Maria. 🐓
HI, every one thinking of moving to BISBEE, AZ, i would not worry about chickens in Bisbee i never heard of any problem laws , even in the city , but if you want land look out side the city limits is the way to go , i would recommend buying land or your future home on county land , i live in the county but just a few blocks away from the safe way store its perfect for me since i dont like driving miles to get what i need, we have all the stores just up the hill from my place , & im still out in the county , i see land for sale all over this part of the bisbee area land all over down the big hill called naco hw down hill from the Safeway store ,i would always choose county land just because any city can change their laws at any time in the future, thats why its better to buy county land , plus the county has few laws, i have neighbors that like my chickens , so if it were me i would look out side the city limits. good luck ...!!! welcome to Bisbee...!!!
I just saw your post. I am considering purchasing land in bisbee and have been concerned with the soil and water. Since you are free ranging I was wondering what did you do for your soil quality?
hi , Steve, I did nothing to my soil & water , my land will produce most any thing if its watered , some homes near me have wells ,i dont but most have city water , i have a water filtration system , since we i wont drink city water, i keep a giant garden , with a few XLarge raised beds but those i layered with the doping's from my coops & other good growing stuff, , i keep wooden floors in my coops, makes for an easy clean up , all my chickens are free ranging not kept in pens , my land will grow what ever i plant , so i hope that helps you . good luck...!!
My chickens enjoy a comfortable life in a stone house converted into a chicken coup... mild winters and temps never reaching much about 100 F, as I am at 5,000 feet elevation. 3 silkies (including a rooster who tries to act tough but is smaller than most of the hens!!! So funny), 3 barred rock, 2 rhode island reds and 5 bhramas. I've used this site plenty and decided to finally join up! Let me know if you're in my area!!

Hi Mike, I’m building a coop right now in Warren. A stone coop sounds like a perfect solution for our warm summers. My biggest concern has been ensuring adequate ventilation so they don’t roast. I’ve got bantams on order, including silkies.
Hi Mike, I’m building a coop right now in Warren. A stone coop sounds like a perfect solution for our warm summers. My biggest concern has been ensuring adequate ventilation so they don’t roast. I’ve got bantams on order, including silkies.
Hello Bari , OP has not been on here since June 23 2019. Here is the link for more info on building Coops and runs. Best of luck and please keep us posted. :)


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