Hello from canada


Nov 23, 2015
Hi I'm nick I currently suffer from extreme anxiety and the city in which I moved to don't allow chickens on the property, my chickens help me cope with my axiety, is there anything I can do in order to keep them ?
Welcome to BYC, Nick. Glad you decided to join our flock. I would suggest posting on our "Local Chicken Laws and Ordinances (and how to change them)" section in Raising Backyard Chickens under the Forum at the top of the pages and see if someone in that section can advise you. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Hi :welcome Nick

Glad you could join the flock! Have you thought about keep a couple of house chickens? Many people do amd with success, if you type house chickens in the search box above there are threads all about them. I hope you are able to work round this problem and get some chickens.

Wishing you the very best of luck amd enjoy BYC :frow
Yes, house chickens. Check out the "people with house chickens" thread. That way "stress relief," is up close and personal. Tiny seramas can fit in any home and take confinement well. They are BIG chickens in tiny packages.
BTW my friend has house chickens - two serama hens and except when they are having differences of opinion, they are very quiet.

I hope you'll find a way to keep a couple of birds, they really are nice pets. You might check with other Canadians and see if anyone can give you some pointers:

Thanks for joining us Nick!
hey guys... welcome to BYC nick....

dose any one know were i can find (easter eggers) i would like to buy some...
i live in canada
hey guys... welcome to BYC nick....

dose any one know were i can find (easter eggers) i would like to buy some...
i live in canada

Try the buy-sell-trade forum, you might be able to find some there (and you have more than the 20 posts required to use it).

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