Hello from Canada


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2024
Hello everyone, I am excited to be a part of your community. My name is Crystal I am a wife and a homeschooling mother of 3. Which is how my chicken journey got started, I originally hatched eggs with my children and then there were chickens! I am from Manitoba, Canada! I Currently I have a flock of 13 older ladies and nine 3 week old chicks. My oldies consist of a Copper Maran, a Sussex, two Barred Plymouth Rocks, nine Leghorns and one I am unsure of. My chicks are mixed breeds which hopefully someone can help me identify. We also started raising meat birds last year which we will continue to do. Some enjoyments I get from my ladies are watching them run around the yard and find treasures, the responsibility it teaches my children, the noises they make, how they run at whoever has the feed bucket and of course eggs! They're just a joy in general. We also have 4 dogs, garden snails, fish and a rabbit! I have been an avid reader of your forum since I got what I thought was a heck of a deal, free chickens! Only to find out they had lice, so since then when in doubt BYC is where you will find me. I can't wait to learn and teach my children and hopefully have enough knowledge to share later with others who need help. So thank you in advance to everyone out there who offers to teach us all starting off on our chicken journey! I'm sure to be found reading as always but now posting! Have a wonderful day😁

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