Hello from central Oklahoma!


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2022
Central Oklahoma
Hi everyone!
Finally sitting down to introduce myself after lurking and learning from your awesome website!
I am totally new to keeping chickens this year and had two shipments from cackle hatchery. All the birds were supposed to arrive the same day, but it didn‘t work out that way!
My first little flock was born 1/28/22: black australorp, Rhode island red and 2 barred rocks. The second flock was born a little over a week later on 3/9/22: 3 Colombian wyandottes. The little Wyandottes had a rough trip due to a winter storm. Keeping two sets of baby chicks and then trying to integrate them seemed to me like some advanced chicken keeping right off the bat!
We have a decent sized suburban yard and right now are running a mobile coop and run (plans purchased from Green Willow Homestead, with a few modifications). I went with the mobile solution because I couldn’t decide where to set a permanent one. We move them to a fresh plot of grass daily.
One of my favorite pleasant surprises with chicken keeping is that I have been able to use so much random crap that I have been keeping for years thinking “one day this will come in handy”. For example, random pieces of wood, miscellaneous hardware and a burlap sack.
Also surprised at how much I just adore their little peeps, coos and clucks 🥰
Here are a couple of recent pictures.


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