- Jan 2, 2012
- 17
- 1
- 24
I am new to raising chickens and just acquired my first "girls" and their companion rooster. I have been using BYC for reference and info gathering and it has been helpful and very interesting which is why I joined now that the chickens have landed. I am thinking I will need lots of help and what better place to get it. My husband built me a beautiful coop that has the capacity for 32 chickens with an outside pen that would hold 74 (according to his calculations
). Currently we have 7 chickens that we bought from the farmer down the road who also runs the local feed and seed store. We now have 4 Dominique's (3 hens and 1 rooster), 2 red sex links and 1 mystery chicken. We were told she was supposed to be a turken but she does not have a naked neck and has heavily feathered feet, almost like a skirt. Those feathers are black while her body is a brown and black tortoise shell pattern. She is quite pretty except for her bare butt which he said was molt. I see the same thing starting on the back of one of the dominiques. We have had the chickens for 3 days and already have had 3 eggs! They are confined to the coop for the first week. I get to release them to the pen this coming Saturday!