Hello from coastal Carolina!

wee biddy farm

5 Years
Apr 15, 2014
I just got my first little chicks yesterday, and am so thrilled! It's great to find out I'm not the only one to be tickled about something so simple.

I had some layers (Red Star), and a few bantams a long time ago, but I had never even touched a baby chick 'till yesterday! I chose 4 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Rhode Island Reds, and 2 Barred Rocks. We got them at a local feed store, and they were so pretty it was hard to choose. They were straight run - I hope they are mostly hens...

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sounds like you will have a pretty little flock, hope they are all girls for you!

Welcome to BYC!

You picked a nice group of birds. Friendly, docile and great layers too!

Enjoy your new adventure and welcome to our flock!
We just picked up 6 sweet little BO yesterday from TS!! Ours are straight run also & we are hoping for all ladies.These are our first chicks too! So exciting! Can't get enough info from this site!!! So thankful to have found it!!! Congrats on your new babies!
Thanks!!! Nice to meet y'all!! I agree wee biddy farm..seems like some of the greatest things in life are the simple things!!!

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