Hello from Durham, NC

Curious why is a county telling you how to build your coop? Not that it's a bad idea to have them as safe as possible, but why is a govt involved in that? Glad I don't live somewhere like that.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you. Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas are an excellent idea- my Easter Egger is a calm, sweet, personable chicken that lays a green egg almost every day!
Government got involved because I am breaking ground in my neighborhood (anti most things) so in order to make sure no one "turns us in to get chickens out" I applied for a permit to dot all my i's and cross all my t's. I know how they are and can be - so the government got involved because I applied for a permit to make sure ALL my bases were covered. We will be the first in this older neighborhood to even try to have chickens! It has been a HUGE pain, but it got to a point that I had to make a point. If it is allowed by the law, then it should be permitted by the neighborhood and etc. So many hoops to jump through, and so little time! Has taken MONTHS to get all the certified this that and the other only to have them come and nix a very expensive and well-made coop for three silkies that are small by most standards. I want them to be safe, but I have had animals all my life (have had an African Grey for 14 years, dogs, cats and everything else. I know how to take care of them, and would never put them in harm's way - for sure. The fact that this company (in our county) that made the coop and said it fit all the requirements of the county really fried me (after they took lots of our money of course). My poor hubby has spent 9 hours today outside in the heat trying to "fix" the coop to meet the county standards, and will not finish before dark. Then, we will have to wait (yet again) at the county's mercy to find a time they are able to come out and inspect (weeks) again to approve/or nix the revisions. We are NOT spring chickens, nor are we naive pet owners!! I knew more than the inspector did about them when she came out!!
This still scares the B. Jesus out of me. Since when does your local govt. have the authority or the knowledge to decide how you should build your coop? It does not surprise me that you knew more than the inspector did. What do they know about raising chickens? This really irks my liver! It sounds to me that Durham has some laws that are pure B. S.. I don't think I could live there. What will they tell you next? How many black chickens or red chickens or white chickens you can have? I hope that I am not alone in my opinion and could really use some support from BYC members. Please help me out. Am I right or wrong?
. This just seems so crazy to me that I can't believe it.
I was kinda thinkin the same them by the time she left. I did make a comment, "if you really have the best interest in the chickens, you shouldn't wait till it gets cold to approve their coop - instead you should get this finished in plenty of time for them to adjust. Of course, she had no comment. Clearly, she knows nothing about them. She did begrudgingly make a comment about the mosquitos, and I added - "that's why we put the added window screen around all the wire, so we could protect them being so close to a body of water." Again, no comment from her. She was young, and clearly clueless as to what is what. She too is jumping through hoops to keep her job. Telling me she was the ONLY inspector in the county for coops.. UGH!
Thank God she is the only coop inspector in the county. I would hate to think that there could be more. I know counties need more coop inspectors. Great way to spend our tax dollars
. Sorry for being such a smart A## but I couldn't resist. Good luck with your flock
Ok understand now. And forgot to say welcome. :).

Hope it all works out for you, bravo for your efforts there.

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