Hello from Ilinois


In the Brooder
Jan 26, 2023
Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I have had my current chickens for 3 years. I read this site a lot but have never joined. I became an accidental chicken keeper 10 years ago when a hen and rooster wandered onto my property and decided to live in a bush by my house. I asked the neighbors but nobody knew of anyone missing chickens. We built a coop within a few days and have had chickens on and off ever since.

How many chickens do you have right now?
Right now today I have 6 hens. 3 are 3 years old and 3 are 5 months old. The young ones are the babies of the older ones after my Americauna went broody and hatched a mixed clutch of eggs.

What breeds do you have?
I have an Americauna, an Australorp and some sort of standard white with brown speckles hen. The babies had a Barred Rock father. I have one black and two gray young hens. Some of the white chicken’s eggs hatched but they were two cockerels. I managed to rehome all my roosters about a month ago.

What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
I like having eggs and I love all the personalities of the chickens. I even miss my Barred Rock rooster a bit even though we had a love/hate relationship. He was calming down in his old age.

What are some of your other hobbies?
My dad and I run a business together and currently live together with the hens and my dog. I work a lot but run the business out of the house & the property next door so I am always on the go around the properties.

Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
My only other pet is a pit bull/boxer mix dog. She ignores the hens but she was terrified of the rooster when we had him. I never saw the rooster go after her but he must’ve at some point that I missed cause she would go out of her way to avoid him.

My dog has two black toe nails and I had a Rhode Island brown hen that used to try to eat her toenails. They look exactly like BOSS. My dog would just let her peck at them while she slept in the sun. It was cute.

I am in a somewhat rural area of illinois, a little over an hour southwest of Chicago.
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