Hello from Illinois


6 Years
Apr 13, 2013
Nice to meet you all. Not new to chickens just new to baby chicks. All of my babies are 2 weeks old. 5 Buff Orpingtons, 5Black Australorp, 5 silver Laced Wyandottes and 3 Ameraucana. I am so happy to have them. I knew I wanted large laying hens ..right now they are all in my house..we have to finish our chicken house so I will have inside babies for a few weeks. Need to learn everything I can about baby chicks and knew I needed a nice forum to answer all my questions. I know I will be reading alot of info here.
Greetings from Kansas, balbrt1, and
! Pleased you joined our community! You can pick up some great info in the Learning Center below as well as the Baby Chicks forum. Good luck and have fun!


Hello and welcome from Ohio....so glad you joined BYC

Good luck raising those peeps. You will soon have more eggs than you can eat :)
Yep they will be big messers but I am retired and hope to keep up with them. Lol. Thank you for all the greets..
I am around Salem, Il. Which is about 40 min drive south of Greenville. I used to buy some of my Jersey Woolie show rabbits from up there

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