Hello from Indiana!


Jul 21, 2016
Wanamaker, Indiana
Hello from central Indiana!

We've had chickens for 5 months now and got our first eggs last night! We jumped in with enthusiam and what initially started out as 6 assorted pullets increased to 24! (plus two guinea fowl and two turkeys lol) My DH is wonderfully understanding and we have two boys (10 y/o and 2 y/o), two cats, and one rough coated collie on a small farm. We just love our chickens! We are looking at having meat-chickens at a later date. :) I've used BYC for info since we came home with our little bitties, thank you everyone for your input!
Hi and welcome to BYC! That is so exciting, congratulations! It sounds like you have a nice flock. Thanks for joining us!
Thank you everyone! Very excited, as I said, love our chickens. I see all these other beautiful kinds of chickens and its hard to resist ordering more. To be more specific (pardon if I don't have all the short-hand terms right) we have 4 BJG (black jersey giants?), 4 RIR, 4 SS (speckled Sussex?), 2 ISABs, 2 EE, 2 CR, 2 WLHs and of course the GF and turkeys. Oh, one rooster out of the bunch, and he's a "mystery chicken" as the store didn't know what they were, so we named him Scooby. He can be pretty feisty with everyone except for me. Really have to watch him around the 2 yo. Both boys just love to feed the chickens. Y'all have a great night!

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