Hello from Indiana


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 24, 2011
I have been lurking on this site off and on before, during and after I ordered some day old bantam chicks for my 9 year old son. I figured I better join just in case I have any questions or ever have anything to share.

I grew up with plenty of free range chickens always around...so this isn't totally new territory for me...but if we decide to show a couple birds in 4H...I'll be lost for sure.

We ordered 15 chicks(the min) at 5 per breed including Silver Sebrights, Bantam Sultans and Porcelain D'uccles. They are one month old today and all 15 are still going strong. I will soon have to start weeding out the flock as 15 chickens is just too many for the space I have available. When they get a little older we will separate out a handful of the best of the bunch as keepers and find new homes for the rest. This will be hard to do since my son is attached already to all of them...especially the ones with slight defects(which are no good for show). I think he likes them more just because he can easily recognize them. A pair of each would be fine with me, we'll have to wait and see...
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from the Finger Lakes of New York! Glad to have you aboard. Certainly someone here can answer your questions. Lots of good people and plenty of great information.
Hello coming from the Pacific Northwest!! You will find the nicest people, that can help with questions and odd problems you may have on this new adventure. I know, they have helped me out a couple times. Great to have you aboard.
Welcome to BYC Hawcer !

My 12 yr. old son will be in 4H for his second year. My other son (he's 5) is joining too for his 1st year. It's a great club for kids. I let their dad take them to the 4H meetings (to keep the other dad's company and to let him know about all the events/schedule since he's more help than I am at the physical stuff-moving cages/setting up for the fair, etc. - plus it's good bonding time with the kids)

Congrats on your chickies of 3 different breeds ! Sorry to hear you have to part with some. Will you be breeding them ? (saving a roo & couple hens from each breed ?)

My son is the chicken expert so he would know exactly what your 3 breeds look like. I think I know 2 of them (we have golden sebrights and my youngest son wants silver sebrights next year, after showing us for 1 yr. that he can take good care of his 4 black silkies).

Check out our website ! Your 9 yr. old son might like it ! (we have goats and fish too)

Thanks for the Welcome everyone

@ EM Squared farms:

My son wanted the Sebrights after he saw some at the fair. I picked the Bantam Sultans because they look neat and nobody for 5 counties around showed them in 4H. We picked the D'uccles mainly because they are roughly the same size as the others but are better egg layers and tend to brood more often(so I've read). We don't plan on breeding but will let mother nature take it's course. We are hoping to use the D'uccles as surrogate mothers for the other two breeds, if one goes broody.

I would like to see the outcome of a Silver Sebright/ Sultan mix....mixing a clean legged, tight feathered bird with a somewhat over-feathered bird. The color mix could be interesting too.

I take it I can't post pics or add avatars and such until I reach 10 posts? I have some day old chick picks, and week old...I need to take some month old now.
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