Hello From Kitsap Peninsula in Washington State

Broken Yoke

May 12, 2015
Hello everybody,

I am a newb.

I built a 6x6x6 chicken coop with 3 nesting boxes per wall, (external). I caged in the run with 1/2 inch wire and I used wire buried around the perimeter to keep out the would be thief of my prized little chickens. We probably won't be eating these chickens. We are the kind of people who would if we were starving but since we have gotten to know them, we are fairly certain that these chickens will live out their days in peace and harmony. We have 16 chickens.

My wife has kept chickens all through her childhood so she has been very supportive, as a matter of fact, it was she who showed up one day last week and said, "honey look, aren't they cute?" Admittedly they were, so I built the coop.

Glad to be here, hope I can help out some of you with what I have learned. Cheers.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm glad you've made your coop/run predator proof. We've had a number of members lose chickens to predators because they used chicken wire instead of 1/2" hardware cloth. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to joined the BYC family. :frow
Wow! Great advice, right off the bat. I learned about the "predator proofing" from this site. I have searched out countless pics and commentary looking for ideas. And the ideas that some of the users on this site came up with (admittedly I have not seen all of the pics just yet but I am working on it) are pretty spectacular. Thanks again for all the great info.
Hi, I live on the Olympic Peninsula and would like to find a new home for my Jersey Giant Rooster. He is about 1 1/2 years old. Likes my husband but hates me.Does BYC have a separate posting area for these kinds posts? Im pretty new to the site. I got a few new roosters in my last chick batch and thought I would rehome grummpy(JG) Maybe I will have better luck with the new ones.He is a good protector and fertile. I also have a 2 month old 1/2 JG and Easter Egger rooster needing a new home. These 2 guys are free to a good home. Thank you.
Hello everybody,

I am a newb.

I built a 6x6x6 chicken coop with 3 nesting boxes per wall, (external). I caged in the run with 1/2 inch wire and I used wire buried around the perimeter to keep out the would be thief of my prized little chickens. We probably won't be eating these chickens. We are the kind of people who would if we were starving but since we have gotten to know them, we are fairly certain that these chickens will live out their days in peace and harmony. We have 16 chickens.

My wife has kept chickens all through her childhood so she has been very supportive, as a matter of fact, it was she who showed up one day last week and said, "honey look, aren't they cute?" Admittedly they were, so I built the coop.

Glad to be here, hope I can help out some of you with what I have learned. Cheers.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Congrats on your birds! What breeds did your wife bring home? Good luck with them! Glad you joined our community!
Hi, I live on the Olympic Peninsula and would like to find a new home for my Jersey Giant Rooster. He is about 1 1/2 years old. Likes my husband but hates me.Does BYC have a separate posting area for these kinds posts? Im pretty new to the site. I got a few new roosters in my last chick batch and thought I would rehome grummpy(JG) Maybe I will have better luck with the new ones.He is a good protector and fertile. I also have a 2 month old 1/2 JG and Easter Egger rooster needing a new home. These 2 guys are free to a good home. Thank you.
Welcome to BYC as well!

I would check out this helpful link https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/16182/animals-in-need-of-free-re-homing

Good luck to you!

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