Hello from Leon, Kansas -- Been a Lurker forever.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 15, 2014
Hello everyone.
I live about 25 miles east of Wichita, Ks. I raise black and blue Giant Cochins, which I am super attached to. This week I will be starting two incubators full of Cream Legbar and Black Copper Marans eggs.
I will be hatching out another batch of Cochins as well.
We are about ready to start raising rabbits and Coturnix Quail for meat also.
I am super serious about becoming self sustaining, and will be providing our granddaughters with hormone free meat for consumption.
We've had a huge garden every year for a long time. I enjoy being outside with my chickens and the garden.
My husband has worked at a Wichita aircraft plant for over 31 years, and I own a quilting company.
Thank you for reading my posts. I look forward to learning more from all of you..
Many Blessings,
Tammi Jo



Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your hatches! You have a very pretty flock, love the blues.
Forgot to mention that I do currently have two partridge cochin hens. About two weeks after I bought my blacks and blues from a reputable breeder I ordered 15 chicks from a hatchery because I LOVE the way the partridge Cochins look.
HOWEVER, of the 15 chicks from the hatchery, 13 were Roos with HORRIBLE personalities. They were terribly aggressive even before feathering out. I love my two little partridge hens. But those Roos had to go.
Welcome to the flock. I really love blue cochins. Didn't know they came in giant size - how much do they weigh? They certainly look to have impressive size in the photos.

Welcome to BYC!

So glad you decided to stop lurking and join our community. Your flock is just gorgeous! Enjoy all your adventures with your poultry and welcome to our flock!

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