Hello from Limpopo


In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2018
Limpopo, South Africa
Hi everyone,
We will be moving onto a 2 hectare smallholding in 3 months and one of the first things we will be doing is getting some chickens (and ducks and geese). A good hardy breed in South Africa is Boschvelder so we intend starting with those. Luckily the owner of our farm has some good infrastructure already in place including two well-built chicken houses so I'll post some pics of those soon. We intend building a chicken tractor to range the birds and will plant an area of cover crops where the soil needs some rehabilitation and use the birds to help with that. I've been watching a lot of Edible Acres videos and I really like the way he uses his compost piles to feed his chickens - we will be doing that too.
Busy days ahead!
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