Hello From Lorraine, France

A big Texas size

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas .. and Happy New Year!
Thanks to you all. I know that I will addicted ! ! ! I AM ^____^ Thanks you very very much for your kind post. and I must apologize for the mistakes I've done, English is not my working language.

I am translator and I'm working with French, German, Dutch, Luxemburgish, Greek, Italian and Japanese.

English is quite usefull but I still have to improve it ^___^

I live in the three-border-aera county near Germany, Luxemburg and Belgium, It is a very very nice place, working to Luxemburg, living in France, visiting friends in other countries. After the bird flu 4 years ago, it's been a hard time to breeders here, because poultry exhibitions were prohibited, and less and less youngs people are interested in poultry breeding. The problem I have is only with Russian Orloffs. It is such a rare race now that to find new blood in Western Europe. We are still 8 orloff breeders in France, but the main birds we have come all from Germany, even in Belgium there are mainly german-blood birds... our problem is consanguinity.

The other main problem we have here is people coming from the Capital... from a lonely and friendly house, I am almost in the suburbs and the new neighboors do not want to hear crowings and geese, but my family's been here since 1946. Geese and poultries too ^____^
Thanks God some of them changed their minds and from sending their children to buy some eggs, they straight bought hens and rabbits...

I have picked up the county poultry association to help our elders and promote breeding in schools and kindergarten, as example with a little home-made incubator and goose eggs, explaining nature and birth...

Anyway I am here to learn tips from you and share mine with you ! I have seen that I can publish a personal page... it will be done asap. ^___^ So you will see my little piece of paradise with all my "monsters" as I call them...

Once again I thank you all and I wish you all the best for 2010 ! ! !

(French) Nos meilleurs voeux pour la nouvelle année ! Bonne et Heureuse Année 2010 !
(Luxemburgish) Mir Wenschen Iech a Schéin Néit Joer ! Proscht' fër's 2010!
(Belgian/Dutch) We wensen U een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar ! Fijne feestdagen voor 2010 !
(German) Wir wünschen Ihnen ein glückliches und erfolgreiches Jahr 2010 !
(Japanese) Konga Shin Nen ! Omedetou Gozaimasu !

Burgundy is a nice place, but if you want to visit Lorraine or Luxemburg, just give a sign, you'll be welcome. and if you could tell me more or less the period, I will check if there are some exhibitions near your visiting aera.

Take care !

Welcome Nik and family. Happy New Year. I hope your chicken raising endeavors go well and the neighbors will be accepting of your chickies.

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