Hello from middle tenn


11 Years
Feb 12, 2011
Middle Tenn
Hi I'm Christina, no chickens yet, but I plan on having hubby build a chicken coop then getting some. I'm been researching different aspects, such as coop designs and breeds and everytime google led me here eventually, so I decided I might as well join up.

I'm transplanted from florida, I did have chickens once, well, kind of, my husband and I bought a few at an auction on the spurr of the moment, had no idea what we were doing, and they ended up being *very* free range they lived in an orange tree and hid what eggs they did lay until they hatched into mostly roosters. when my brother in law took over the place when we moved he wasn't exactly thrilled with the many roosters running around, who all crowed at different times of the day and night.

so I decided I really wanted to know what I was getting myself into if I was going to try and do it right.

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