Hello from MN


In the Brooder
May 10, 2020
Ramsey, MN
Greetings, my name is Justin. I have a 12 acre Ranch in MN and we got our first chickens last June and haven't stopped. So, learning like a sponge and am getting into Ayam Cemanis!

I built my first coop and run last summer, I have my second coop coming May 19th, and am starting to build my 3rd coop this week!.

We have 22 chickens so far and 15 on order. We have Columbian and Silver Laced and Dark Red Wyandottes, Sapphire Gems, White Crested Blue and Silver Laced and Black Crested Polish, Silver Spitzhaubens, Blue, White, and Brown Silkies, Seabrites, Americauna, Buff Orp, Black sexlinked, and Rhode Island Red (my only rooster) and have AC's on order. I have only lost 2 chickens, one to a broken leg (or dislocated hip I believe--if they have hips), and I lost one-2 day old chick. So things have been going really good and we got though a Minnesota winter.

We are enjoying the eggs and looking to get into breeding AC's--hence all the coops (and maybe more :/ )

I am here to learn all I can. Excited to be a part of this community to learn and to network, and maybe exchange some birds!

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