Hello from MO


7 Years
Sep 18, 2012

I am brand new to chicken raising, and just like any other animal we bring into this house, I like to do my research beforehand instead of scrambling (no pun intended) later on when it's too late and we have chickens all over the place.

I have no idea how to raise chickens. I haven't ever seen a chicken aside from the ones in the meat section of our grocery store.
That is the reason we are getting them, however. We're tired of paying astronomical prices for chicken and eggs at the market. My husband and I really enjoy our eggs (eating them) not to mention the fun I have at Easter time dying them! We eat fried, scrambled, egg salad sandwiches, deviled eggs, etc...pretty much anything 'egg' we love. He likes his eggs runny (grossss) and I can't bear to even look at them if they are runny (it's hard enough for me to put them in the pan to cook them, still to this day!)

I'm very long-winded so I apologize to the "Backyard Chickens" community for that in advance. It takes me an hour to say something that normal people take two sentences to say. If someone says the sky is blue - I would be the one to say "The sky is blue because....and at night it ...blah blah"

ANYWAY - back on topic. I don't know anything about chickens and neither does my husband. He doesn't really need to know much about them because he works very...very...very hard outside the home and I pretty much do nothing all day long. These chickens will be my project and my part of helping with food! :) I also plan on having a garden but I guess that's for another website because I know NOTHING about that either.

I can't wait to browse the forums and learn ALL I possibly can BEFORE bringing these little lives into our home and backyard. We have a friend who offered us some incubating eggs or day-old chicks and I said noooo I need to know what the heck I'm doing with them first! I'd kill them all off straight away if I just took them home without a clue...pretty sure of that.

nice to be here and I can't wait to start learning!
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

I try to cook over easy eggs for my honey, but somehow they always come out at least over medium - something about runny whites just seems icky.
Greetings from Kansas, ChickyBangBang, and
! Congrats on the decision to get chickens - you won't be sorry! And BYC is simply the best place to learn - just by reading the forums and typing in searches, to asking questions directly. Lots of chicken smarts floating around here. Best of luck to you!!

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