Hello from Nashua NH! :)


From what I've found online, there's no illegality about having chickens in Nashua except there's no roosters allowed due to sound ordinances. I moved here in '09.

If there's a change in the legality I haven't heard anything about it and know of others who have chickens in town. My own girls live indoors with me, so there's hardly an issue with anything as-is (ie: no complaining neighbor risk), but if it's illegal suddenly, I'd like to know why/when that happened/etc.
I spoke with the town hall zoning board on Thursday and was told that where I live in Nashua (zone 9),
chickens are illegal.
I guess there are some parts of Nashua that are zoned to have chickens but some do not.
The city website says to call the zoning board to check so that is what I did.
So disappointed! My boys and I had taken a chicken class, gone to a chicken hatching
seminar series and wanted to have some backyard chickens but no go!
I have a nasty neighbor and I'm sure if I tried to sneak 4 or 5 chickens in I'd get caught!
Oh well, maybe someday...
According to a map I found, I'm in Zone "RC". They call it "Urban Residence", but no info aside from that.

Shame you have a nasty neighbor. Mine are very nice and don't mind the hens at all. They say there's no sound, either! (Their TV is louder than my girls when they turn it on.)

I honestly don't care about the legality involved- they can't see the girls unless I'm walking them in the park, they make no noise, and they're hurting no one, so I'm keeping them. I can't afford to buy eggs otherwise! (The entire reason why I got them- despite being primarily pets now and eggs second, I go through a TON of eggs per month and having hens cuts my bill per year on eggs alone by $940 at the end of the year.) I have permission to have them here, so I'm covered. :)
My guess would be that Urban Residence would not qualify for "legal" chickens But I certainly wouldn't try and check into it and rock the boat at this time!

That's great that you have fresh eggs! I wouldn't be able to keep them indoors and since you actually treat them like pets and not livestock I see no problem.

Good luck, it sounds like your doing well!!
Hi && Welcome!!!
What are they going to do about it though, if they went from the entire city allowing chickens until last year? Demand a citywide ban or slaughter of our chickens or something? I don't think they'd be able to -do- anything about pre-existing poultry conditions... :)

I do see vague cause for concern, though- most homeowners' land isn't that large in this town, from what I've seen. Even so, just a few hens don't need that much land, so..

Thank you so much! It's incredible how much I've bonded with the girls. :) I think they make much better pets than most people realize. They can sense when my fiance and I are about to laugh, for example- they start 'chicken giggling', when they're really happy they trill like crazy, they seem to understand changes in mood, etc. It's amazing. I'd even go so far as to call them as smart as cats. 0_0
Hello to "ZumZum" and "Shelly". I too live in Nashua and called the City Planning office yesterday. I have some more specific info that may be of help to you.
According to the Planning Office, Nashua allows chickens in the two zones that are most rural and are closest to Hollis. Those zones are R30 and R40.
Chickens are NOT allowed in any of the other zones, even if they are just hens and are used for eggs only. So, Zumzum, I'd be VERY careful about taking your hens out in public!

I would like to see this ordinance changed. I've been corresponding with a woman who is a prominent blogger and chicken-supporter here in NH (won't use her name 'till I get her okay).
She said she's willing to help/advise. Am also working with the Nashua reporter from a local paper on a story.

If you're interested in helping with this issue, please contact me offline at:

[email protected]


Hello Jennifer!
have not heard from you.
Saw this on my facebook and thought about our desire for chickens:


I figure if Williams Sonoma is now selling chicken coops it will soon be "chic" (ha, ha) to have chickens

When I get the chance I will call town hall again to find out who my zone rep is and I will write to him about
my chicken dilemma.


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