Hello From NE Kansas

Dale n Gail

9 Years
Oct 1, 2010
NE Kansas
Hello all,
I'm new here, and I just wanted to say hi. My wife and I and our six kids live in northeast Kansas. We are pretty new at raising chickens, as we just got our first chicks this last March. We have 18 hens and three roosters. Breeds include barred rock, silver laced wyandotte, easter eggers, and cinnamon queen. We have found the chickens to be great fun, and the kids love them.
There is a ton of information here, and I can't wait to learn from all of the informative people here.
Thanks, and have a great day!!!
Welcome, I am pretty new here too. Had chickens before, but not for awhile and just started again. Love this site though, can learn anything you want about them on here.
Welcome from Lawrence, KS! Come join us on Consolidated Kansas

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