Hello from NE


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2017
My extended families have had chickens my whole life. While I've always wanted them, I'm only just now able to join in.

I don't have any yet, but I'm going to get 4 or 5 once I get the coop built. Looking at Australorp or Barred Rock, or a mix.

Found site on Google.

I enjoy spending time with my son, gardening (veggies), and learning to sew.
Hi and welcome to BYC - great that you are getting into chicken-keeping and what a bonus to have all that family experience to fall back on.

Best wishes
:welcome Why did you consider those breeds? I have a black sex link rooster, a game cockerel, 4 red production pullets, 1 mixed blue cochin pullet, and 5 juvenile New Hampshire's-


Mostly because they're what I'm familiar with already. Why'd you choose yours? :)

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