Hello from New Chickie Mommy (NH)


5 Years
May 19, 2014
Hi. I've been "lurking" for about a week now, picking up tips on how to care for my baby girls and boys that are about a week old. I have a mixed bunch. Four broiler boys and 15 Layers: three speckled sussex, three white leghorn, three black sex link, three Rhode Island Reds, and three New Hampshire Reds...I think...lol. Since I'm new to homesteading I didn't know what kind to get, so I figured getting a mixture and seeing how each grew and behaved would be the best way to figure things out. So far, they remind me of...puppies! They're active, dashing all over the place, eating every other second, scratching, pooping, playing in the water...then they keel over and sleep for a bit, before getting up to do it all over again. I pick each one up several times during the day so that they can get used to me handling them. I didn't think taking care of chickens would be this easy.

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the new chicks! Sounds like a nice group of layers and a few meat birds as well. Handling your birds will definitely make them more friendly as they grow. You might want to start in our learning center for lots of great articles on all the aspects of keeping poultry...


And if you need any help raising or processing your meat birds, stop by our Meat Birds forums for more help...


Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!

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