Hello from NJ! Moving to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina


5 Years
Sep 21, 2014
Hi Everyone, I currently live in Stockton, NJ with my wife, Jake (4), Luke (2) and 3 Rhode Island Reds. I love my chickens soooo much. Although a bit dangerous for them, I let them out of the coop quite a bit and they free range the propery. They are such sweet and seemingly happy birds, and my kids love them.

The sad bit is we are relocating to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina in the next few months. I want to take our chickens, but not sure if they are allowed on the small properties on the Island. I've been looking online for th regulations, but so far can't figure it out. I guess I could call the municipal building or something like that, but first I'd ask here to see if anyone knew.

Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Your best bet is to call the local city hall in this new place and ask them. They should be able to tell you all you need to know. We do have a Local Chicken Laws and How To Change Them section you might take a look through or start a new thread in....https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/37/local-chicken-laws-ordinances-and-how-to-change-them

I sure hope you can keep your flock! If you can, when you do move them, put them in cardboard boxes with lots of bedding for firm footing. Cut some air holes for oxygen in the top and sides of the boxes and keep them dark and quiet. They will do so much better if kept in dimly lit area of the moving vehicle. Stop often to let them out to eat, drink and stretch their legs. They should be fine.

Good luck with this. I sure hope you can keep chickens in your new area!
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Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Raising chickens is a great experience for children. My daughter (pictured in my avatar) loves our chickens. TwoCrows has given you some good advice and a good link. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. I hope you are able to have chickens on Hilton Head Island. Good luck.
Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for your warm welcomes and advice. I will definitely take it.
I'll let you all know the outcome.


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