hello from nor cal!


6 Years
Jan 5, 2014
Forest Ranch, CA
Just bought our first home! Were on about an acre but in the mountains were it gets pretty cold in the winter. There are a couple good garden areas that get good sun and we'd like to have a chicken coup where they'd stay secured at night but be able to free range during the day as we would definately have to worry about preditors. About a dozen eggs a week is what were looking for. Would like to know what kind and how many we would need that fit our needs. We have small kids and a cat and are looking to get a dog as well. They must family/animal friendly and dont mind temps down to 20 degrees a few times in the winter. Any advice will be much appreciated.
to BYC!

You might check out the breeds section of BYC here for more info on types of chickens and laying frequency...


Great to have you aboard and enjoy BYC!
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Google the Henderson Chicken Chart, is is a great breed resource.

Just curious, where is CS? Is that a county name?
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