Hello from Northeast OK


8 Years
Jul 7, 2011
I would like to thank everyone in advance for the advice given and questions answered.

A little about me.

I am the proud father of twin boys who were born this February. They are some happy and healthy babies and Mom and I are enjoying life. We recently built our first house and are just getting started on our little farm.

A little about my chicken habit.

I recently went to order a few chickens online and before my wife new it I had 25 chickens on the way from ideal poultry. I ordered 12 pullets from their rare breed assortment, 4 pullelts from their surprise special, 4 pullets from their assorted Hamburgs, 2 Rhode Island Red pullets, and 2 Cochin roosters(I just love those birds). I know I have alot of work ahead of me but so far everything has fell into place. All 25 chickens arrived healthy and I have yet to lose a one. I am currently building a chicken coop which will hopefully be finished this weekend. I am very excited to see how these guys turn out and very excited for my boys to get to interact with them once they can walk and play a little on their feet. All the grandparents are even ready to buy some eggs from the boys once my hens get to laying.

I would like to think the people from backyard chickens for putting this site up and giving the small chicken farmer a great resource. And I would once again like to thank everyone in advance for you input.

from Oklahoma! Here is a link to my coop: https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=35063
Here are my chicks, I've only identified a few of the chicks as most of my chicks are rare breed surprises and surprise specials.

So far I know I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Turken, 2 Cochin (I believe one is black and the other I can't tell if he is black but he has different colored wings), 1 Brahma, and I have a grayish chick who I believe is a blue andalusian. Anyway take a look at my chicks and tell me what you think.



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