Hello from Northern California

Longtime lurker, first-time poster.
We have a backyard flock in Lake County, California (north of Napa County).
We started a few years ago with commercial laying breeds, then got some Black Copper Marans and various Easter Eggers. We now have more Easter Eggers from our barnyard mix, but also some Bresse (which we want to raise for meat), and more Marans and Ameraucanas.
We also have Bielefielders, Smaalands and Cream Legbars on the
Longtime lurker, first-time poster.
We have a backyard flock in Lake County, California (north of Napa County).
We started a few years ago with commercial laying breeds, then got some Black Copper Marans and various Easter Eggers. We now have more Easter Eggers from our barnyard mix, but also some Bresse (which we want to raise for meat), and more Marans and Ameraucanas.
We also have Bielefielders, Smaalands and Cream Legbars on

Longtime lurker, first-time poster.
We have a backyard flock in Lake County, California (north of Napa County).
We started a few years ago with commercial laying breeds, then got some Black Copper Marans and various Easter Eggers. We now have more Easter Eggers from our barnyard mix, but also some Bresse (which we want to raise for meat), and more Marans and Ameraucanas.
We also have Bielefielders, Smaalands and Cream Legbars on the way.
:frow Welcome!

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