Hello from NorthWest Arkansas


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2021
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
Yes! We both are from rural communities where having a few chickens isn’t anything unusual, so eight weeks ago we purchased our first chicks!

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
Right now we have nine!

(3) What breeds do you have?
1 Barred Rock (we think - it was a surprise chick)
1 Speckled Sussex
1 Australorp
1 Black star
3 Ameraucana
1 Salmon Faverolles
1 Welsummer
All female to our knowledge…

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
They all have such different personalities and highly entertaining, we haven’t had them too long.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Ham radio, watching homesteaders on YouTube, making cards, gardening, and starting our own homesteading journey.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
My husband and I have been together for 20 years. We have two aussies, two indoor cats, and now, nine rowdy girls.
Welcome to the coop. You are off to a good start!
my rooster “Jaffar” says so! :frow 15A12F7A-5B3B-4C17-90A3-94179580DC16.jpeg

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