Hello from NW Wyoming :)


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2023
My husband and I moved to a small homestead in NW Wyoming but we're originally from the deep South. Quite a learning curve with the winter!

We currently have Salmon Faverolle hens and rooster (Napoleon) and a hen (Boudica) of unknown age and origin from the previous owners. We're currently growing our laying flock using an incubator and sometimes broody hens. We started with 6 chickens in October and we're now close to 20+ and growing.

I love chickens because they're nature's composters. We have no food waste with them and they help to improve our soil. Plus their eggs are nourishing for themselves and others. The Salmon Faverolle are especially adorable and sweet.

We also have a Maremma Sheepdog (Juno) due to our predator load, three goats (1 ND, 2 mini fainters), and 3 mousecatchers. We're hoping to move into icelandic sheep, meat rabbits, and quail but projects always seem to take longer than anticipated....haha.

I found BYC just from Google once we started with chickens. It's been an amazing resource and I finally pulled the trigger to join the community. :)
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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Glad you decided to join us! That's quite a move from the deep south to Wyoming! One of our Moderators used to live in Wyoming, maybe she can give you some tips on surviving the winters. @N F C come say hi!

Make yourself at home here and welcome to our community!

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