Hello from Oklahoma


5 Years
May 27, 2014
I have an interest in backyard urban homesteading. I researched our city's codes and found that we can have four hens and no roosters. I have five barred rock chicks arriving tomorrow and one I will need to find a home for. EEPS! This all new to me and I have been reading as much as I can to ready myself. I picked the barred rocks based on their gentle nature (so I have heard) and egg laying skills. Right now we don't have a coop. I have endlessly searched for one that I feel is big enough yet sturdy enough and I can't find one. We may have to build our own.

I hope I get this baby chick thing ok! I have raised and rehabbed baby wild birds and adult birds in my past but these are chickens and not song birds. :)

I have a small garden where we grow everything from corn to blackberries to carrots and radishes and many more things.

I will need to learn how to compost the chicken poo so that I can use it in my garden.

I am 40 years old with six children. Three are my own and three are my husbands, but I still claim them as my own. Three kids still in the house, two fourteen year olds and a 19 year old. My 19 year old son just shipped off for Marine bootcamp almost two weeks ago. My 19 year old step daughter joined the Army National Guard and leaves for basic training in July.

...maybe I am having a harder time with letting the kids go than I thought. I don't want an empty nest! Lol! Bad joke, but there's probably a lot of truth to it.

My husband is an engineer and I will graduate at the end of the year with my masters degree in counseling. I have three cats, two old lazy cats named Skitty and Biscuit and one very busy, young black cat named Pixie. And two spoiled chihuahuas, Moses and Cashew (we call him shew shew). Actually Shew Shew is is half chihuahua and half who knows what.

That's a pretty long intro! I hope to learn a lot here.

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the soon to be new chicks! I hope they arrive safely.

You might want to start by doing some reading in our learning center. Lots of good articles on taking care of your new flock including a baby chick raising section...


You also might want to chat with your chicken neighbors in your state thread if you need to rehome your 5th chick. Maybe someone nearby will take her. However I personally would go ahead and keep this precious baby anyway. :).....


Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!
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