Hello from SA, TX!


10 Years
Jan 26, 2009
As you can see in my signature we have lots of animals already.
I am getting ready to order my first chicks!
I am a little nervous and am hoping I am making a good choice.
There will be 5:
2 feathered leg Marans (for the chocolate eggs)
2 Ameracaunas (for the colored eggs)
1 Standard Buff Brahma (for the toddler as a pet)
All hens I hope!

What do you think?
from TN
I bet! Love your user name. We had a damsel fish for a few years. My toddler still asks when he is coming back from vacation...
Holy cow.
I have three Marginated Tortoises (big enough to be fun and toddler proof - not so big that it takes out fences and trees... LOL)
Forgot to answer your questions.

We love our Ameracaunas(actually ours are Easter Eggers). Don't have the others.

I'm sure you know, but remember that having no hands, chickens have to explore with their beaks. So help your toddler learn to keep his/her face away from "exploring" distance. You probably already know this, so please don't let me worry you or freak you out.

Oh, and if you don't get enough answers about the breeds here, post it over in one of the main sections for more input.

And above all have fun!
Hi Karin - my sulcata can sometimes be a BEAST! She is pretty good most of the time too. I don't have trouble with her trying to get out of the fence (thank goodness!) We have a six foot wood privacy fence, so she can not see that there is 'a whole big world' on the other side. I have heard of people having problems with chain link fences trying to push through them and pacing and scraping their faces on them. A funny thing is they do not know how big they are and if she can see through it, she will try to go through it. I have found my lawn chairs in the middle of the yard several times because she will try to go under it and it will get caught on her shell and she will just keep on going out into the yard with a chair on her back. Sooner or later the chair will come off and she will keep on 'truckin'. She is a very interesting critter. They are also VERY stubborn, and will ram you if they get agitated. But she can be very social too. I was sitting in the grass this afternoon with a chickie in my lap and she came up to me and sat down about a foot away. I rubbed her head and chin and neck for a long time till she had enough and lumbered away. Here a couple of pics of her.




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