Hello from San Antonio!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
My name is Michelle. My husband and I have decided to raise chickens in our backyard. We don't have a whole lot of space, but we plan on only having three hens, so we think it'll work out fine. We are 100% new to this! but plan on trying to build our own coop and everything. We are considering this a little adventure and we can't wait to learn new things and come up with new ideas looking through this site!

Welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community! You will want to start in our learning center here on BYC. Lots of good reads on all the aspects of keeping poultry....


You might also stop by our coops pages for lots of great ideas on building the coop!...


If you are still trying to decide on what breed or breeds to keep, take a look at these two breeds pages. Lots of quick info on the breeds and their characteristics...



Enjoy this new journey you are on and welcome to our flock!

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