Hello from Scotland!


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2020
Hello everyone!
I live in the west of Scotland with my husband, two kids (3 and 1), a cat and now three chickens.

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
Yup! Looked after some as a child for friends, but only just got our own three days ago.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

(3) What breeds do you have?
Light Sussex, CouCou Maran and Bluebell

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
watching them potter about the garden

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Sewing, gardening, Board games, tabletop and live RPG

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
My kids are very excited about the chooks, Pudding the cat less so. I was an English teacher but am now a SAHM.

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D
Google! Figured I’ll need help

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