Hello From South Florida

from Indiana
Hi Everyone, Thank you again for the tons of warm welcomes.

I am not sure if this next post should be in this section, or if there is another section on the forum I should post it. If it is in the wrong spot, just point me in the right direction.

I have spent many hours reading the posts in the forum. I have read the basics in the learning center. I have used the search tool to look up more specific answers to the questions I have. I read about the different breeds and even used the breed selection tool to help narrow down my options.

I have made a list of of breeds that, I think, are appropriate for the climate I live in, the temperament I am looking for, the personalities and breeds that I think would be good with my girls. The breeds I chose are : Brahamas, Frizzles, Buff Orpington, Silkies, Standard Dominiques, Sussex and Wyandotte.

I read in a lot of posts that Buff Orps are very good for beginners. All these breeds seem to be ok in warm climates and seem to be very friendly. I also read that handling them a lot when they are younger helps with how friendly they will be.

Since this is my first time with chickens, I would definitely love feedback and input from more experienced members here. Thank you for any input

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