Hello from south Texas


5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
I just joined the forum but have been perusing the threads and learning quite a bit.

We jumped in feet first with 6 chickens (3 buffs, 3 wyandottes). We are still building the coop (uhhum...I said feet first, right?). All chickens are happy and doing well with the exception of one chicken (Imp) who is 1/3 the size of the others at 5 weeks. I've read up on it here and I think it's just her genetics (?). Imp is healthy, eating, drinking, bullying her way into the others (or through their legs) to get food, and happily scratching and just being a chicken. At this time I am just going to see how it goes. Please let me know if someone feels I am making a mistake there!

I'm glad to be here and learn from those more experienced.


Welcome to BYC!

And congrats on your new flock! There is nothing wrong with keeping a runt. I have had runts do very well and live perfectly healthy lives. I have even had runts that all of a sudden have a growth spurt and grow so fast as to become larger than the others! So as long as he is keeping up with the others, eating and drinking fine, enjoy him!

If you have any other questions, that is what we are here for. Make yourself at home here on BYC and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2, as long as Imp is acting normally and happily there is nothing wrong with just letting her enjoy life, sometimes runts are the funnest chickens to have, they tend to have a lot of personality. Could she possibly be a bantam?
Maybe she is a bantam breed - some of them have the "Chihuahua attitude," and think they are BIG and don't let anything stop them. Without seeing her, she is already my favorite. Gotta go with the underdog. Do you have any pictures of her?
Thank you all for the kind welcome and encouragement on Imp. Sadly, we lost her to two of our cats :( It was a really tough day for all of us...she was our favorite. My 19 yo found her; the cats had ganged up and apparently snapped her neck through the chicken wire and were trying to get her out of the pen (makeshift pen with chicken wire and pvc. No problems until this!). We are devastated; I was hoping to have a house chicken!

Imp was a golden laced Wyandotte, spunky and sweet. She loved to sit with us and on us, lol. I will miss her.

The other 5 chickens are all well and happy. We are moving them into their coop tonight! Tomorrow we hope to finish wiring the run and framing the opening for my vintage screen door. No more messing with their portable pen anymore.

Off to read more and learn from all you experienced chicken caretakers!
so sorry about the loss of Imp. :hugs Glad the rest of the girls are doing OK. Good luck with the coop/run build.

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