Hello from Suffolk, Va


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 17, 2011
Hello all. I got my first chickens yesterday. Today I started working on the coop. I have 2 RIR hens that are about 10 to 12 weeks and 3 Buff Orps that are 5 days, The little ones are safe and warm under the lamp. The Reds are in the dogs old cage waiting for their new Coop. Hope to have it done in the next 2 weeks. My 2.5 year old daughter loves her knew "chikkens" and she came out this morning before church and named all 5 on her own. The 2 reds are Ruby and Rosie, the Orps are named Beach, Jermey, and Cailou. All after her favorite TV shows. I have been lurking here for 4 or 5 months reading and watching. So many people to learn from! I never EVER dreamed I would have chickens, but I live in the country now and thought I would give it a try. Cant wait to get them going!
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from Alabama. Congrats on the chickens
I love their names
from Connecticut!! I'm with you: I never dreamed in a million years I'd ever have chickens but I'm a total fanatic with this hobby now! Enjoy!!

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