Hello from sunny SoCal

Leslie M

7 Years
Jun 6, 2012
Hi! My name is Leslie and, as you can see from the title of this thread, I live in sunny Southern California. I have been a chicken owner for a whole whopping 11 weeks! So far, so good! I've had no experience with chickens at all and cannot thank you enough for all the info I've gleaned from BYC over the past few months.

I have a total of five 10-11 week old chicks: a Light Brahma, a Black sex-link, a Barred Rock, and 2 Easter Eggers. Our city's ordinance states we're only suppose to have 3 hens max. But, we were told to over-buy since there was the chance we might lose one of the chicks early on and/or we could end up w/a rooster. Well, we didn't lose any babies (yay!) But now, I'm beginning to wonder if one of the EEs isn't a roo since she/he started "silent crowing" last week.

I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 37 yrs. We have 2 grown, married children and six grandchildren ranging in age from 18 to 2. I am also in love with Tori, my 5 yr. old Havanese "puppy", who also happens to be a registered therapy dog who works with special needs children. I am a retired special education teacher who continues to work privately with a few children. My specialty is teaching reading to students with dyslexia and Tori does a "Read to Rover" type of therapy with my students.

I'm looking forward to learning so much more from all of you. Thanks again for your helpfulness and sharing your knowledge.
Welcome!!!! You'll definitely find lots of info here. I'm in Southern Cali too!
Hi newbies..
I grew up in pasadena, then had to move to Fla. I have lived in Fla. Like 25 years.

I am waiting for my youngest kid to move out of the house, then my hubby and I can move.
I love alot of places in Cali. I love Colorado, and want to see oregon and montana.

The humidity is horrible, the bugs are awful, the food sucks.
I go on a bike ride 8 miles.....and no matter what time of day it is...............I am just dripping with sweat...
Jan. Feb. and sometimes March are nice here...

Not much crime here, that's nice...

I miss Cali.
Hello and :welcome

Glad to have you here!
You should post a pic of your EE and we can help you with identifying its gender. However sometimes the dominant hen of a flock will try to take on some roo-like characteristics if there are no roos in the flock. I had one of my hens do that. :lol:

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D

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