Hello from Tennessee


8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Just got my babies today. We got 12 pullets (RIR and Barred Rock) also got 6 straight runs hoping for a rooster (sure there will be more than one). Somehow i ended up with one little silkie in the bunch and i have already fell in love with him/her. I just have one question at the moment. I bought them today in the store where i work (Rural King) and i was there as soon as they arrived. We brought them home and they have been very active and chirping up a storm. Now they are sleeping and have been for a while. Is this normal? and several of them seem very clumsy i even found one on it's back kicking away. They seem to have all found their place in the brooder, a few have cuddled up together. One other thing how long should i wait to start letting my kids handle them. I don't have small children and i am sure they would be responsible, but i also don't want the little guys getting sick from being handled to much.
Welcome from Northern California.
Congratulations on your new addition. It sounds like your chicks are healthy and very normal. You'll be surprised at how fast they grow.
from Ohio

As long as the children are gentle, the chicks can be handled once they are eating and drinking. I say gentle, because My granddaughter choked the poo right out of one when she was only 13-14 months old. She got a grip on it and before her mom could get it away from her she had squeezed it so hard, it died the next day. They are fragile.
Welcome from East Tennessee....

Yup. Sounds normal. When they were "chirping up a storm" they were cold. Now they are warm and comfy. The rolly polly you talk about... some fatties just are top heavy for a day or two.. keep a eye on them. If there is no obvious twists to the leg or other obvious issues to that chick... probrably just a fattie.

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