- Feb 25, 2011
- 4
- 0
- 7
Just got my babies today. We got 12 pullets (RIR and Barred Rock) also got 6 straight runs hoping for a rooster (sure there will be more than one). Somehow i ended up with one little silkie in the bunch and i have already fell in love with him/her. I just have one question at the moment. I bought them today in the store where i work (Rural King) and i was there as soon as they arrived. We brought them home and they have been very active and chirping up a storm. Now they are sleeping and have been for a while. Is this normal? and several of them seem very clumsy i even found one on it's back kicking away. They seem to have all found their place in the brooder, a few have cuddled up together. One other thing how long should i wait to start letting my kids handle them. I don't have small children and i am sure they would be responsible, but i also don't want the little guys getting sick from being handled to much.