Hello from Texas!


7 Years
Sep 8, 2012
Howdy! After buying over 5 acres of land nearly seven years ago, I am finally making real my dream of having a flock of chickens. I guess I realized I couldn't wait for my husband to take the initiative and build it for me, so I went ahead and did the designing and planning myself. In fact, I'm also doing most of the building myself, too! Thankfully, once I got going, my husband has graciously helped along the way - I think he just didn't know where to start.

So we're building a shed floor made from Dek blocks, and are almost done with this first step. Hopefully, this won't take too much longer.

Next will be some anchors, a plywood floor, and then a frantic search to see if I can find some scrap linoleum or something to make cleaning a bit easier. After that, framing the walls, roof, siding, and setting up some kind of run. Though we have 5 acres, it's not fenced, so I'll feel safer with them being in a run for now - but I'll probably let them out to free range most days, too. Do chickens typically come back home in the evening once they're sure of where "home" is?

Again, hello to you all, and I'm so excited to be a new member here!

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So glad you joined!

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