Hello from Texas!

Thanks, dawg53, my local feed store gets barred rock pullets in tomorrow from Ideal Poultry, and I've been considering getting two of them. It's my understanding that they're heat-tolerant and good-tempered, but that they tend to go broody. Has that been your experience?

Also, I've never purchased Ideal Poultry chicks. Does anyone have experience with them? Our local feed store gets weekly shipments from them starting tomorrow through the end of spring, and they get about six different breeds each week.

I appreciate your replies!
All of our birds come from Ideal, the chickens by way of Callahan's General Store and the ducklings we drove over to Cameron and picked up ourselves. I have never had any problems with their stock.

Hope this helps,
Thanks, Mike, I really like our local feed store, New Braunfels Feed, and they've been selling Ideal chicks for years. This will be my first time buying chicks from them, and it's great to hear from others who've had a good experience with Ideal. New Braunfels passed an ordinance just last week which allows homeowners to keep four hens (no roosters!) in their backyards. I'm sure NB Feed will be selling lots of chicks this spring!

Hi Dawn!
from S. Florida! Its great to have you here with us! I'm sorry about your loss. Good thing not letting dogs run with them anymore. Your birds are gorgeous, love the "before and after" shots!

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