Hello from the North Fork


In the Brooder
Aug 1, 2017
Mattituck, NY
I am a new chicken owner. We got our chicks June 15th of this year.
I have six hens (pretty sure they are hens). The breeds? 2 Araucanas, 1 each Barred Plymouth Rock, Black Australorp, Golden Laced Wyandotte and Silver Laced Wyandotte. A bouquet of chickens...
My husband and I live in Mattituck, NY on the North Fork of Long Island. We have three Jack Russell Terriers, three grown kids and the cutest little granddaughter you have ever seen!
Hi and welcome to BYC - great that you have joined us.

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All the best

Pork Pie
Three Jack Russells , bet they can take care of any mouse,rat, squirrel, etc. problem. They can be worth their weight in gold. Welcome to BYC, hope you will enjoy it as much as we do :woot
yeah... only problem is one jack has decided that the chickens are in the same category as mice, rats, squirrels, etc. He is getting better now that they are in the coop but I am pretty sure he'd eat them all if given half the chance!
Yes, JR's can be a bit predatory around chickens. Good luck and enjoy your chickens.

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