Hello from the rolling hills of the PNW!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 29, 2014
Portland, OR
Hello! I'm not quite sure what this whole introductory thing is about, but I figured I'd give it a shot!
My boyfriend and I recently jumped on the chicken wagon last april, with our first purchase of two Cuckoo Marans chicks from Wilco on a whim. We went about it in a rather unconventional way, raising them in our small college room and all (Luckily we made it through unscathed, and without any bummer upper respiratory ailments!) None the less, we grew to love them very much, and I assume they benefited from the ultra-socialization of living in a college abode! We decided to name them Pea and Sprout, which ended up suiting them all to well, as Pea is a bit of a pea-brain, yet such a little lover! Sprout showed to be a little more sassy, but has warmed up in the last few months. Well... since we introduced the new flock and all.
I graduated from college this last month, and we decided to make the big move back up to Portland Oregon, where we scored a sweet little plot of urban land. We promptly set to searching craigslist for a decent deal on an already laying flock. The woman who previously owned the land on which we now reside, raised chickens as well, and left a beautiful set up, of which we intend to take great advantage of. With a little bit of daily searching, an all too perfect deal fell into my lap, and before I knew it, I drove my boyfriends truck out to pick up a flock of 13 new chickens. It seemed like a little bit of a crazy leap, but I have been determined to make it work.
So pretty much, here I find myself, a month into the rest of my life, counting my lucky stars for the opportunity to tend to such brilliant little beings! I look forward to learning more about these lovely ladies through the wonderful lot of you all on this miraculous site! Can't wait to hear from all of the other wonderful chicken-lovers this world has to offer.


-Angela R.
Alright Angela,
great to have you joining the flock

Here is some of my flock

And some of the bigger one's

My goodness - you are instant chicken parents. Lucky for you there is the Learning Center above, and many forums loaded with great information for you. You will probably head for "Raising backyard chickens," etc. Congratulations - enjoy your flock
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Chickens that went to college, I like it! Good luck with your new flock.

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