Hello from the SF Bay Area!


6 Years
Mar 24, 2014
SF Bay Area
Hello there BYC community. I have been lurking about the forums - reading and researching and thinking about getting chickens - for some time now, and am finally ready to take the plunge.

I don't have any chickens yet (still need to build that coop, and my are there a lot of pretty coops here!) but my plan is to get 5 hens total; probably a mix of Ameraucana, Welsumer, California Gray, Rhode Island Red, and maybe a Campine. I'm trying to keep an open mind since I'm planning on purchasing the chicks from a local store and I assume it depends on what they have in stock.

My handle is InWrongCentury because I seem to have the wrong hobbies for the 21st century: horseback riding, sewing, archery, oil painting, book making, knitting, and spinning my own yarn. Chickens fit right in!
Good luck on finding out all you need to know on raising chickens!

Welcome to BYC!

I too am stuck in the wrong century and love those old time ways.

Great to have you aboard and enjoy all your adventures in life!

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