Hello from the UP of MI USA


In the Brooder
May 22, 2024
I live on a family farm in the UP of MI. We've been chicken tenders for over 20 years. This year we decided to work toward sustaining our own flock. I did a lot of research and decided two breeds that fit our goals and climate are the Buckeye and the Partridge Chantecler. My daughter chose Blue Laced Wyandottes. We are planning to set up a clan breeding program for each of the breeds. Our birds are 5+ weeks old. We have some more coming this week. All three of the breeds so very sweet. The BLRW cockerels were a bit rough with the Bucks so we moved the BLRWs to a separate coop. The PCs and Bucks get along very well. Thus far I have found the Buckeyes are always busy and talking! The PCs are quieter. Both breeds are super friendly. I'm interested in hearing from others that keep these breeds. My daughter is interested in learning more about breeding the BLRW. I'm looking forward to sharing info and experiences.
Have a lovely day,

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